

Referring to small landscape decoration materials, no one does not mention stone. Stone seems to be one of the indispensable ingredients to make up the natural beauty of the landscape. Today, AndaDecor will introduce you to 7 types of stones commonly used to decorate miniatures so that you can choose to embellish your living space.


small landscape decoration drift stone

If compared with other rocks, drift rock has a rather special shape. They have many nooks and crannies, but have a polished and smooth surface. Under the influence of time, this stone will become increasingly crooked and crooked, creating many unique shapes, as a highlight for the space.


decorative limestone miniatures

Thanks to the design of slots, grooves, and veins, limestone is often used by people to make water circuits of miniatures. Limestone has diverse colors (white, dark pink, ...), you can freely choose to suit your style, feng shui and architecture.


This is a natural stone lying on the seabed with a diverse rough surface. The highlight of this stone is that it has naturally worn veins. Just like limestone, coral stone also has many colors such as red, white, blue….

decorative coral rock miniatures

If you want to build a rockery, a miniature staircase... then this is the perfect choice for you.

Elephant skin stone

small landscape decoration with elephant skin

As the name suggests, this stone has the color and shape of an elephants skin. The combination of gray rough surface and overlapping veins creates beauty for each stone. It brings a wild beauty of the mountains, creating a new living space for homeowners.

Cats ear stone

cat ear stone miniature decoration

The stone has a jagged shape like a cats ear standing on the rock, used to decorate garden miniatures and natural aquariums. In addition, it also has a simple and unique beauty thanks to its white veined exterior and finger-sized holes. This is the perfect choice to embellish the garden space.

Ancient stone

This is a rock that has existed for a long time, hundreds of years ago, shaped like lava. The surface is a bit rough, rough and has light yellow alternating white lines.

decoration of ancient stone miniatures

Through the hands of the artisans, the stones will become successive mountain ranges, used to decorate the rockery, Koi fish pond ..., meaning feng shui, attracting a lot of luck and fortune for the family owner.

Golden Stone

gold stone miniature decoration

Yellow stone is a perfect material for the decoration of mountains and waterfalls thanks to its rough shape that has not been manipulated by human hands. When used, it will create a miniature natural scene with cliffs, waterfall flows mixed with the colors of green trees, giving you a feeling of relaxation after a stressful working day.

So AndaDecor has learned with you 7 types of stones commonly used to decorate miniatures. If you need any advice, please contact us, AndaDecor will always support you.

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