

AndaDecor provides traditional and modern Tet landscape decoration services, with many models of Tet miniature decoration in Ho Chi Minh City. With experience AndaDecor provides small landscape decoration services for Tet according to many models or at the request of customers.

Services in AndaDecor

We provide services for:

Decoration in the lobby of commercial centers, restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, hospitals Decorating corporate offices, clothing stores, cafes, etc.

Decoration at School: Kindergarten, Primary School Decoration of fairs, residential areas, apartments..

With reasonable cost, commitment to perform in a fast time, AndaDecor confidently provides quality services to customers. In addition to providing small landscape decoration services on Tet holiday, we also provide additional services: Year End Party, Ong Do, To He Sculptor, Circus – Magic for events taking place inside and outside Tet Nguyen Dan.


New Years landscape decoration service for corporate companies

With a young, creative, skilled and highly aesthetic construction team, AndaDecor Professional receives advice and decorates Tet for customers in the style that customers want. We receive design consultancy for Tet decoration, construction and decoration for high-rise buildings, offices, shops ... professional printing, collage, and decal stickers.


Small scene on Tet holiday

Including many miniatures on New Years Day with creative and highly aesthetic design, delicate layout, suitable for Vietnamese culture such as bamboo, fake apricot tree, fake peach tree, red lantern, god of fortune, spirit Symbols of the year, cooking scenes, Tet activities... With professional and cheap Tet decoration and miniature services, we will be a reliable choice for you to bring spring color, not Tet holiday is closer.


In order to decorate a colorful and vibrant Tet holiday, dont ignore the peach and apricot branches…

Because Vietnamese people still believe that these flowers will bring a new year full of luck, success and health. However, you should consider your finances and living room area to buy the right flowers. To increase the highlight for the house, you can also decorate led lights, small couplets, red envelopes ... on peach, apricot, and kumquat branches.



Address: 15th floor -VincomCenter, 72 Le Thanh Ton, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Phone: 0918839015

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